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Being in my 63rd year I wanted to have a section on this site for the 50 years and over. I never really felt grown up during my entire life and that has served me well. As I have said many times now, I am at my mental and physical peak and I improve daily simply because I choose to! I have never even considered retirement in my entire life!



It is said by some ancient people that life wisdom doesn't really start until 100 years of age, therefore we all should able reach this with a good mind and good biology, the truth of life and existence has been hidden from us for all our lives, we have all been educated, manipulated and decived to believe that life is short and hard work, this is not true and I have NO DOUBT AT ALL that longevity is possible, we just need to learn how to use our minds as they were designed once more.

Your Biological Health is Down to Your State of Mind for Sure!

Keith W...

Mind Excellence for 50 years plus.

Take Care of Your Mind and Your

Biology Will Take Care of Itself!!

In 2019 I decided that I really wanted to help the 50 and overs as much as possible and as much 'we must' have Mind Education for the children, I will not let those who still feel lost or let down by the system, society and their lives mistakes stop them from achieving a New Happiness, New Successes and Lost Dreams.

Your Life is for your Whole Life, it does have to tail off into obscurity and a nursing home if you take care of your Mind!! I want to make All Nursing Homes Redundant!!

As much as I always say, " a mind is a mind, it is ageless ", most people see their mind as their biological age, and that vision of any age ages them accordingly, you become what you identify with or with whom and you really do become whatever you believe about yourself from wherever that information came from, and this negative information never starts with you, it comes from others and then grows in your mind as a believe, a fact if you allow it to. You really do become what you think about and this is now a science of new discoverires that work for you or against you, and that part is always down to you once you are aware of it, like now...I have just told you...

For far too many people in my mind and from my own witnessed experience, retirement is something to look forward to, for me, I always say make 'retirement' your dirty word, don't think retirement, think longevity, as retirement for far too many the word is often saying The End and our minds accepts what we believe and we are influenced accordingly and if you work in the area of mind daily you soon realize that what you absolutely believe happens and both the new and the ancient discoveries regarding belief are showing this. The Truth of Mind and Mental potential as known by some of the ancient peoples is slow coming out for the whole world to see and use for themselves, to their greatest advantage at any age! The Truth is, these people were truly wise, wisdom lost for so long from forever growing mind control of all kinds from those who only ever cared about themselves.

That's not true humanity and largely why so many people these day are lost and confused. But that is for another day...

If a person was of sound mind and biology at 100 years old would they consider retiring? Of course not! With a sound mind and biology you would doing wonderful things at 100, not retiring. Retiring is only for the mentally and biologically worn out, and it is you who are ultimately responsible for feeling the way you do. We all have to move on eventually, but we can all move on on our own terms.

Therefore it is far more wise to think longevity ( GO ) and never retirement ( STOP )

Take care of your Mind and your Biology will take care of itself! I will keep saying this until people 'get it!'

I practice what I preach ( for more about my own life, read about me ) I am now in my 63rd year, once people know your age they put in a box with a number, and I can honestly say that I am at my physical and mental peak and I still improve daily because I choose to despite and the many challenges I have faced as written in my book of my life called The History and Mystery of Me: Walking the Longer Path shows, a true story that will change the minds of the 'lost' who read it. 

I improve daily 'simple' because I choose to improve and I do improve because I have some many things I want to do for the more you improve the more ideas and desires to continues occur. Greater energy grows as your determination grows, this is true for all ages, it makes no difference. I started this mind education company for example in 2015 at time a time when most people are planning their retirement, with the intention to take it to great heights and run it and grow it for the rest of my life and leave a legacy for future generations and I have much I want see Mind Education Academy achieve and to do the many things that my early years had little chance of achieving because of my mental health and low self esteem which largley came down  to my education.


But, I fixed all that myself simply because I realized that I could and I was stillborn and into a life of all kinds of problems to many to mention here.

The hard truth is that most people never reach their true potential yet everyone can at any age as long as you never loose your mental capacity to do it and most people are really not looking after themselves mentally for the whole of their lives, however, it is Never Too Late to improve as age really is just a number and Good Health and Dreams are just a decision of a healthy nurtured, mentored mind.

Anyone can heal themselves in all areas, but if you need mind mentoring you will not find better because my knowledge, lessons and wisdom comes from real-life experiences that started the very day I was born or died, depends how you look at it. 

If you feel that Longevity and Adventure are what you desire and you believe that I, we can help you, I mentor all 50 and over personally. Please follow your intuition and if the words are Yes! Go For It!!  by all means get in touch.

Keith W...Mind Education School creator and director. Academy of Mind Excellence.

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