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About Me:

I am a very logical and scientific thinking person, but over my years I realised that Life goes beyond accepted science, or more accurately, the things they 'chose' not to teach us in standard education.

Below is a brief look at what will be the Mind Education School Academy book called The History and Mystery of Me: Waking The Longer Path which will be out in 2023

My strange life, strange to some, but normal to others started in 1959, with stillbirth that at around the 20 minutes mark I came to life. but that is for another time, the first mystery of my life the truth of which I never discovered until March 2003
from 2 totally independent psychics nether of which I chose to see!  I had never seen such a person before and I never had any desire to see either of these two.
I have had such things happen to me many times over the years, you can brush such events off as nonsense, or research for yourself and dig deeper for the answers and the truth.
I always encourage a person to do their own research for the only person you need to convince of what the truth of anything is, is you!  It is wise to be a healthy sceptic, far wiser than being a gullible dreamer.
The Truth should always be your desire and the Truth of Life is far stranger than we are taught, told for all of our lives.
As you can imagine so much has happened over my 63 years to get me to my true destiny of an alternative to standard education, that being Mind Education for the world and the lives we were always entitled to from the day we were born.

Here are just some of the highlights
1. Sti
llborn, the story of which is at the top of my Tiktok profile.
2. I suffered a number of physical and mental issues which were a great embarrassment to me.
3. So self-conscious that I just wanted to be as invisible as possible, but on the other hand, I wanted to be seen!  A long struggle with whom I knew I was at heart.
4. Educational failure on paper...but I knew I was smart...I never lost my curiosity and my open mind to all possibilities. I never fitted in with the other kids. I was different in some way. Years later, I was told that it was likey that I was a first wave indigo child, I had to look that up!
5. Far too many dead-end jobs.
6. Depression and learning issues. dyslexia, ADD, ADHD which got worse the older I got and a short-term working memory not discovered until 2006, I was not at all surprised!
7. So Many strange experiences including surviving death a number of times without a scratch. I was later told that I was living a charmed life and I could not die until my mission was completed.
8. A continuous journey of new life adventures of learning how life actually should work...
9. The start of a series of prophecies that started in 2003 which as unlikely as it seemed all started to come true and continue to do so!
10. And getting my last job at the MOD as a manager which built my confidence,
a job that I never had the qualifications, or experience to do it and I never even applied for the job!
Life is Strange, pay attention and amazing things happen like magic!! But you need the awareness, curiosity and an open mind to notice just how strangely wonderful life really is.

And this is just a shadow of the Truth of The History and Mystery of Me: Walking the Longer Path out in 2023
I teach from my own life experiences, my inner wisdom, intuition and ongoing research into many life and mind-related subjects.
I have a great interest in all Mind related subjects, including self-healing and longevity. Age really is an illusion.
But I manly trust my own inner knowing, learn to follow and trust that and your life will improve dramatically!!
And remember this! Many of the greatest gifts to the human race are not taught in standard education for a reason, now why do you think that is?
Keith W...July 2022

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